Workforce Development Fund

Understanding the Workforce Development Fund from Skills for Care

In the continuously evolving landscape of health and social care, ensuring that staff receive the highest standards of training and development is imperative. The Workforce Development Fund (WDF) from Skills for Care plays a crucial role in facilitating this ongoing process of professional growth. Here’s an exploration of how the WDF operates and its benefits to both employers and employees within the sector.

What is the Workforce Development Fund?

The WDF is an annual funding opportunity provided by Skills for Care, which is supported by the Department of Health and Social Care. Its primary aim is to aid the adult social care sector in England by providing financial assistance to support the professional development of their workforce. This fund is specifically allocated to help cover the costs associated with completing vocational qualifications and learning programmes that are geared towards enhancing the skills and knowledge of those who work in care services.

Who Can Access the Fund?

Access to the WDF is available to adult social care employers in England who meet the eligibility criteria set forth by Skills for Care. This includes private, not-for-profit, and voluntary sector organisations that deliver adult social care services. However, there are specific requirements that these organisations must fulfil to qualify for funding, such as being an Adult Social Care employer in England, being registered with the Adult Social Care Workforce Data Set (ASC-WDS), and having met certain conditions relating to employee training.

How Does it Work?

The distribution of funds is typically channelled through employer-led partnerships or directly to larger national organisations. Employers must join a partnership or apply directly if they meet the necessary criteria. The funding supports a variety of qualifications and learning programmes, including diplomas, certificates, and awards that are relevant to the adult social care sector.

Benefits of WDF

For Employers:

  • Financial Support: It alleviates some of the financial burdens associated with staff training.
  • Quality of Care: Enhances staff competence leading to improved care quality.
  • Staff Retention: Provides a pathway for career development, which can improve job satisfaction and retention rates.
  • Competitiveness: Helps in maintaining a skilled workforce, which is essential for staying competitive in the market.

For Employees:

  • Skill Development: Offers opportunities for personal and professional growth.
  • Career Progression: Helps in gaining recognised qualifications, which can open doors for further career advancement.
  • Job Satisfaction: Increases engagement and job satisfaction through investment in employee development.
  • Recognition: Provides a sense of achievement and recognition within their role.

How to Apply for WDF

The application process involves several steps:

  1. Register or update your organisation’s details on the ASC-WDS.
  2. Join a partnership or apply directly if you’re a large national organisation.
  3. Complete relevant training and collect evidence of completed qualifications.
  4. Claim reimbursement through your partnership or directly from Skills for Care.


The Workforce Development Fund from Skills for Care serves as an essential resource for employers within the adult social care industry, enabling them to invest in their most valuable asset – their people. By contributing to the cost of vocational training, the fund not only supports workforce development but also drives an overall improvement in the quality of care provided. With the right information and guidance, accessing this fund can lead to a multitude of benefits for both employers and employees alike, creating a more robust and dynamic care sector.